set my youtube channel up for kids kids channel go
set my youtube channel up for kids See how one housewife turned her kid's popular toy-reviewing channel into a lucrative mom-job. If you're thinking about starting a YouTube channel for your kids, here are some tips for making it profitable.,Post by:BuzzFeedVideo | Video by:BuzzFeedVideo | - Published:10/21/2016 Duration:2:01s
Setting Up A Youtube Channel For My Kid If you want your video content to continue to provide value to people long into the future, you should strongly consider applying for a copyright for your work. This will provide you with legal rights to control your intellectual property.,Being on YouTube is only half of the equation to success. Here are some steps to consider to help your channel grow... -
YouTube: Do You Want to Set Your Channel as Made for Kids? (Action #Tags: #how to set up a successful youtube channel